Sometimes people don't post because they are too busy or there is nothing to post. The second, is the reason for the recent lull in my blog activity. We have been cooped up in our house for the last couple of days, because this dog you see below was hanging around. The picture of course, doesn't explain my reason for locking myself and my children in our house. Two words will though...
Pit bull.
He was extremely persistent. Every time we opened the door, looked out the window or drove into our driveway, we would see him. He managed to escape our efforts to eliminate him for several days. So, the kids and I stayed in the house and enjoyed each others company. We were sad to miss Allred's pond on Wednesday, especially since I had picked up some great sand toys to surprise Jaya. (Of course she saw them in the trunk of the car yesterday and wouldn't catch the hint when I just didn't answer her questions about them.) We also missed the movies at the park and the theatre last week. (However I did not allow that dog to interfere with the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Justin came home just in time to make it, Cohen slept through it and Jaya got to have a sleep over with Honey and Papa (my parents). Sorry Lyndsey, Justin said he wouldn't go with me if I went dressed as Hagrid so there are no pictures or stories to tell.) We were actually really scared here the last couple of days. Jaya asked me several times if I was afraid and of course, I had to be brave when I didn't feel that way at all. It's a very new feeling to have to be the brave one for your children. Now I know how my parents felt at times like these and I must say they did a great job, hiding their fears from me. I know they were scared now. Secrets out!
This is the best picture I could get of him. Every time we would point a camera or any other "thing" you would point at an unwanted, dangerous dog, he would run. This made us wonder if we weren't the only ones trying to eliminate him.
Don't worry, our knight in shining armour, did get the upper hand on that dog. And our fear has been laid to rest somewhere in a field far away.
Cohen admired his daddy for a long time that night. It was as if he was saying, "Thank you for being such a wonderful daddy to me and my sister and a great husband to my mommy. You are what keeps us all together each day and the reason we are all so happy. I love you so much, Daddy." It's funny how kids can say exactly what you want to say with just their eyes. Justin admired him for just as long because he likes his "Minnie Me" a lot.
I would just like to impress upon anyone who doesn't see these dogs as dangerous, as the state recognizes them, how serious a problem they are. A recent study found that pit bulls, alone are responsible for 1/3 of dog bite related fatalities in the U.S. while these dogs make up only 2% of the dog population.
If you need more convincing just google pit bulls and you'll find so much more, and so many sad stories.
(She has started pretending to be asleep every time I get the camera. Why? Cohen is not pretending he only does that right before I begin something really important for everybodies well being, like waxing my eyebrows or painting my nails.)
Here are some pictures of our family enjoying each other and making the best of our time together in our house. I know these wonderful moments with our children will fly by and soon they will be avoiding each other like the plague. There is even the possibility that they might not even want Justin and myself around. I don't know why, I always hoped my parents would chaperon the prom. And what could have been better than having my dad watch my life and my friends lives unfold everyday, as the high school princi"pal". Heavy on the "pal". Now that I have grown and see how great my parents really are, I can say that. (I hope they're reading.) That's actually really funny. I wonder if he feels like he has a front row seat at a reality show taping everyday, in a small town high school.
Don't tell Jaya, but sometimes, even if we tell her, "Everybody is going to bed now," she is actually the only one going to bed. Someday we will do the same to Cohen too, but for now he's in on our little secret.
Cohen admired his daddy for a long time that night. It was as if he was saying, "Thank you for being such a wonderful daddy to me and my sister and a great husband to my mommy. You are what keeps us all together each day and the reason we are all so happy. I love you so much, Daddy." It's funny how kids can say exactly what you want to say with just their eyes. Justin admired him for just as long because he likes his "Minnie Me" a lot.
I would just like to impress upon anyone who doesn't see these dogs as dangerous, as the state recognizes them, how serious a problem they are. A recent study found that pit bulls, alone are responsible for 1/3 of dog bite related fatalities in the U.S. while these dogs make up only 2% of the dog population.
If you need more convincing just google pit bulls and you'll find so much more, and so many sad stories.
Here are some pictures of our family enjoying each other and making the best of our time together in our house. I know these wonderful moments with our children will fly by and soon they will be avoiding each other like the plague. There is even the possibility that they might not even want Justin and myself around. I don't know why, I always hoped my parents would chaperon the prom. And what could have been better than having my dad watch my life and my friends lives unfold everyday, as the high school princi"pal". Heavy on the "pal". Now that I have grown and see how great my parents really are, I can say that. (I hope they're reading.) That's actually really funny. I wonder if he feels like he has a front row seat at a reality show taping everyday, in a small town high school.
We love you Jaya, and that's why sometimes we send you to bed earlier so that we can still love YOU in the morning, instead of that grumpy girl that sometimes shows up.
I found you! moowahahaha! your blog is so dang hilarious. It was so good to see you and can't wait to stalk you daily or at least weekly now! ;-)