Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I LOVE Halloween! I am a firm believer that everyone should be scary! So you can imagine my excitement when Jaya gave me one more year of fear and wanted to be a vampire queen! I dread the year girlie choices win her heart. I just don't know if I can tag along with a princess to trick or treat. Cohen was her vampire king who HATED his cape! His feelings about it changed in the evening when he realized the reward of wearing it and using three simple words at peoples doorsteps.

And the night ended just as it should...perfect.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Back" to School

It's back to school again and Jaya is going to kindergarten!

Jaya's teacher is Mrs. Mueller and we are ready for a great year!

Kindergarten is exhausting!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I guess I didn't rub in the sunscreen very well for Cohen.

He is being very tough about it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Summer is here! We are loving it already! Due to snow make-up days our last day of school was Saturday!

Liesel decorated her classroom in red white and blue and served pancakes for breakfast.

Jaya and I helped decorate and eat a couple pancakes too.  It was a dirty job but somebody had to do it. 

Saturday night we went to Jackson Noftle's bike-a-thon/walk-a-thon to raise money for research about his disease Histiocytosis you can read about on his mom's blog here. We had a great time walking and talking. After we walked we ate dinner and watched my dad in the dunk tank.

What a great sport! He went in quite a few times! There were a lot of accurate throwing arms out.

Including a very cute granddaughter with a great arm like her mother!

They also got the Mayer, Jackson himself, the football coach from Connell, and one of Connell's greatest players who was responsible for a lot of football heartache around this town, Wiley Allred, Royal's coach, to take a turn. Great sports, all of them.

Here's Jackson taking his turn.   This was the face he made when his dad moved his little cousin about three feet from the target.

This is Connell's coach. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jaya's Five!

Our precious little Jaya turned 5 on Sunday. We can't believe it! The last five years have been so wonderful! Time flies when you're having fun.

We celebrated with lots of Jaya's great friends at the bounce house Saturday night. We were so glad so many kids came and had a great time.

Well some of these pictures aren't the greatest but they can't all be winners can they...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Life after Christmas

Jaya tried ice skating. She got to use this great glider to stay up! Where were those when we were kids?

Cohen is a really picky eater but lately has been trying all kinds of foods! Here is testing out pizza.

We went to Chucky Cheese for our Devin's birthday last Saturday. Of course there are no pictures of the birthday boy since he had a lot of work to do. Including mastering every game there and getting his hands on the cutest cake in the world made by his mom before I could get a picture. It was a great time.

The Miss America Pageant was on the other night. As soon as Jaya saw it was on she said to pause it and she ran to put on a dress up dress.

Naturally Cohen went with her and chose this "Cat in the Hat" hat and Cleopatra dress!

Justin was a good sport and laughed but took the dress off his man child soon after. I don't think he knows I took pictures to document the event or that they made it on the blog! I don't think Grandpa Jack will like it either. But sometimes you just gotta laugh!

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