Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas came early

Cohen gets to borrow this great toy from our friend Emma who borrowed it from our other good friends Mckenna and Mason. Kids are so thoughtful that way...Thanks so much Apryl and Jill! It's huge, its like having a new piece of furniture in the living room. It does everything! It has a piano to play with hands and brace yourself this is innovative kid play at its best, another piano to play with FEET! There's even a microphone so it's already been named the karaoke machine. The seat slides back and forth and spins around. I want one! I get really excited when my kids get new toys. I have a harder time sharing with them than they do with me and each other.
Since moms can read their children's minds, I'll share their thoughts about the new toy.
Jaya: Wow! That's huge and new. Everything huge and new around here is usually for Cohen but he's not awake to defend his territory so it's all mine for a while.
Cohen: If I could just get that in my mouth.

Cohen: Hey, Mom's watching you do that. And could you not do that around my new toy 'cuz it's really gross...Thanks.

Jaya: Who cares...

Cohen: If you're not going to stop, I'm not sharing anymore! Mom said I didn't have to!

I bet you didn't know...

There was snow covering the ground and cars this morning at 4am. I knew, thanks to a little person who couldn't tolerate a leaky diaper any longer.It's exciting to know about snow before anybody else. It felt like a surprise just Justin and I shared together and were excited to pass on to Jaya. With hopeful hearts we went back to sleep to dream about the 2 feet of snow we anticipated. When we woke up there was barely a hint of the snow that once was. Jaya wouldn't have believed us if we had told her. I think it's more disappointing to watch it fall and melt in one day than to wake up to it only to have it melt before the day is gone.
I love snow. Doesn't everybody? I know it would be so much better if it would just stay off the roads but I love it anyway. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know. I could never forget our families first winter in Royal when I was in second grade and there was a huge blizzard! There was a TON of snow on the ground and so much blowing in the wind. It took our family 30 minutes to drive 1/4 mile from the high school to our house.

Here's Jaya's first experience playing with snow 2 years agoz. She played just long enough for me to get the picture and then started crying because her hands were too cold. Which was a rare occurance, usually I get the camera after she stops something cute and beg her to do it again unsuccessfully of course. It's hard to be cute on call.
Here's some shots of Jaya last year in the snow. She had a great time trying to walk around in all that. It was even hard for Justin and I.

Friday, November 20, 2009

For You Jessica!

Jessica put some Halloween treats and fun glasses in my cupboard at school for Jaya and Cohen. I forgot they were there, since I rarely use that cupboard. So you can imagine my surprise when I opened that cupboard today and found them among the mess that has accumulated. Then to make things worse I decided to eat a piece of the candy as I walked around the teachers room wearing the glasses...And who do I see? JESSICA! Now, can you imagine my embarrassment? So I brought the glasses home for Jaya today. I'm really sorry, I do appreciate your thoughtfulness Jessica, and so does Jaya. As you can see in the picture, the glasses were a hit. I guess while I am in the Thanking and Apologizing mood, I will post this beautiful pie that I so rudely teased Cynthia about and she kindly made for me. Justin and I both agreed this was the best apple or any flavor pie we had ever had or anyone had ever had. It even looks pretty.
Thank You Cynthia!
And this picture here...I don't know why it made the cut I guess it popped out at me today to remind me to thank my husband for being so wonderful and getting both our children ready in the mornings. Since beans have been done for a while now, I have finally gotten used to having him around to do so much in the mornings. He gets a husband award.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Cohen turned 6 months and tried cereal for the first time today!

Everybody wanted a turn to feed him.
Then he needed a bath!