Sunday, December 20, 2009
Holiday Traditions
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
the apple cup lamp
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Christmas came early
I bet you didn't know...
Here's Jaya's first experience playing with snow 2 years agoz. She played just long enough for me to get the picture and then started crying because her hands were too cold. Which was a rare occurance, usually I get the camera after she stops something cute and beg her to do it again unsuccessfully of course. It's hard to be cute on call.
Friday, November 20, 2009
For You Jessica!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Four Months Cohen!
Cohen's dancing song;
(If anyone is wondering, Jaya's song is "Mexican Hat Dance" and she is still the best dancer. Devin's is of course "You Can Dance of You Want To".)
I guess the video isn't that great but they can't all be winners now can they?
Of course I chose the short version because the whole song is really long and not to mention dirty, dirty. So, I took the poop out of the Cinnamon Roll and ate the rest. Anybody catch the John Bytheway reference?
Cohen has progressed in the last four months from being fed a bottle to holding it on his own.
(Computer savvy people would edit out my hand here and Jaya's stinky feet so the previous statement would be more believable. But embellishing is part of parenting isn't it, everybody thinks their kids are the best. At least I can admit Jaya's feet stink.)
He grabbed it today and it was just the cutest thing ever. Since I don't feed him bottles often, I was sure this was a major milestone that needed documentation.
He likes to lounge in Jaya's bed.
We are convinced he's going to be an Olympic swimmer. He looks so natural in the water. Just not the sun. Anybody see that movie Powder?
He has even been invited to one of Jaya's tea parties. Ok, so he wasn't invited and she ran away upset as soon as I slid his bouncer over. But at least we enjoyed it. He is a very polite guest and even shared his cake with me while Jaya glared from the couch.
Now days we know Cohen has woken from a nap when we hear the toys on the bouncer or swing rather than his grunts and snorts before he becomes upset that his tummy isn't filled to the brim. He's small, but a Mighty Good Man.
I can't post without a shot of Jaya and all her cuteness! Here she is in the playhouse at Ted and Jean's pools with her adorable pal Mollie. Ironic there are two awesome kiddie pools just outside and they opt for the playhouse. Sometimes I wonder if Jaya is really mine. Then I look at her cute little nose that she pulls off way better than I do, and I am sure.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First Cold:(
Jaya seems to be tolerating it a little better.
Monday, August 10, 2009
3 mONthS AnD 3 yEaRS
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
For Devin and Rachael
It's your song,
Happy Birthday Rachael! Happy Golden year! You're the best sister-in-law ever. Great picture, that's all I have of you! Good thing I snapped it last week or I would've had to find a straight jacket somewhere and post that for your picture.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
All Because Two People Fell In Love
(Open your eyes Amy, it's not so bad.)